Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Take 2 - online retail therapy

29 March 2011: So yesterday my order from Take2 finally arrived, a whole week earlier! The feeling of that package arriving is priceless, and so worth it - especially 'cause I got chick flicks that I love and always wanted to own. And then... I got the notification that Within Temptation's latest album "The Unforgiving" has been released. So, guess what I did? I went shopping again and bought some more stuff on Take2, LOL! Can't wait till that package arrives... I have a problem. Help.

Through the trees

29 March 2011: As promised... here's a pic of the demonic tree in our yard *shudder*

Montheversary, officially - five months

29 March 2011: It's our 5 montheversary today and while standing at the lift at work the morning I noticed these marks etched on the wall. So I figured it was a sign - 1) The up arrow symbolises going in the right direction in life; 2) the heart shape (left) symbolises... LOVE (of course); and 3) the foetus shape (top-right) symbolises the birth of something very precious, a miracle if you please.

Street kids

28 March 2011: I park in the yard of an organisation that looks after street kids. Such an amazing initiative - here the kids are all playing soccer.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Secret works after all

27 March 2011: So... looks like The Secret works after all! Harvey got what he asked for - a new bike! I'm so proud of him. And remember folks - Ask, and you shall Receive. The Universe will provide.

Play time

27 March 2011: Kylie (Harvey's 2-year old daughter) and myself playing fetch with Lola. Such a clever dog! Full of energy! Had a great day, and when Kylie had to leave she came to me and said "I phone you!" ... so adorable! Definitely one of the highlights of my weekend :)


26 March 2011: So after running some errands at N1 City Mall, Harvey met me there and we ended up watching Red Riding Hood at the last minute. Great movie, if you're into the whole Twilight vibe. And now I'm trying to get my hands on a collection of Brothers' Grimm tales... waiting for next month before I order on Take 2 again.

Anyhoo, we got home and prepared this delicious lunch... wraps with honey-chicken* made in my Mom's new George Foreman grill - that thing is legend, I tell ya!

*Our new favourite thing


26 March 2011: Finally got my iTool - it's a Bionic hair iron :) Been wanting this thing for ages! So much safer and more convenient than a GHD... now to sell my GHD. Any takers?

Demonic tree

26 March 2011: When I got home from Harvey's on Saturday morning... this is what I found in the middle of our road... they cut down the tree on the side of our house. It is now a naked, spikey, demonic looking thing puncturing a hole in the sky... should have taken a pic of that! Maybe for another post.

Our first meal :)

25 March 2011: Okay so apart from braaing... this is the first time Harvey and I cooked a meal together in the kitchen (well, besides making snackwiches and salty cracks... this was dinner) - Honey-chicken salad. So good!

Level 2, baby!

24 March 2011: Okay so I went to class, thinking it'd be a 2 hour rehearsal for my graduation. Instead, I felt adventurous, and decided to do the actual graduation! I am now officially level two... which is a lot about sitting on the pole and building core strength. Can't wait!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Productive production!

23 March 2011: Okay so we finally finished up the structure for the first song of my new album. Then we laid down 2 more tracks. It's sounding promising so far!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2-minute noodles in the vending machine?

22 March 2011: For R5! I can get 2-minute noodles at Cape Quarter Spar down the road for R2 and that includes exercise. And a source told me for R1.25 at the station behind the toilets. Guess there'll always be a markup on the convenience factor.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


21 March 2011: On our way home from Kieran's pool party. That's my boo in his ride, looking all haute and stuff *naughty giggles* ...oh don't worry, the robot is red!

Hot pink and so me!

20 March 2011: So I finally got myself a new digital camera :) It's hot pink and oh so me! Love it!

Ag jinne man!

20 March 2011: So Lola's pups are growing and they just started running around. Eyes are finally open and yes they've discovered how to bark.

Hey there Delilah

20 March 2011: I love it when a man knows how to use his fingers. And even better, this one can sing too! Aren't I lucky?


19 March 2011: Hmmm, it looked like any other full moon to me, just especially brighter. But according to sources, we have 4 supermoons in one year and on 19 March it was supposedly the closest. According to other sources, this is the first supermoon in 18 years... I do recall one when I was a young girl - I remember it being really huge! But somehow this one didn't do any justice to my memory. Possibly that it may have been distorted? Distorted reality? 
A supermoon is where the moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit. On 19 March 2011 there will be a full moon and in this period the Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with the Earth is in the middle.

Pure Bliss

19 March 2011: This is how my room looks on a lazy Saturday afternoon... so peaceful.

The Bachelorette

18 March 2011: Watching the finale of The Bachelorette. I already know Jillian's choosing Ed but what the hey! Makes for good TV. Can't help it, I'm a reality TV slut.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day

17 March 2011: That's my colleagues popping open some Guiness beers in celebration of St. Patty's day... not sure if beer has anything to do with it but anyhoo!

Playing dress up

16 March 2011: Okay, have decided I really need to dress up my form the night before so my outfit is ready for the next day. I get to do two things here: 1) do a girly thing by dressing up my headless and legless doll, and 2) save time in the morning.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aaaaaah! It's a ginger!

15 March 2011: There's a ginger on my desk.

Same chair for over 6 years.

15 March 2011: We finally got gorgeous new red chairs at work after I've been using the same old chair for over 6 years! I've even upgraded it to use two blue pillows. It's kinda gross if you think about it.

Monday, March 14, 2011


14 March 2011: That's Wes recording some more ideas for our concept song "Lullabye"... the first song for my new album! Sounds haute :)

Now you don't. Now you see him! Grrr.

14 March 2011: A follow up to my post on 08 March entitled "Fcuking Douche!"... this is the view from our stop street. As you can see (or not) - you can literally see JACK! I wonder when the traffic department is gonna sort this shit out.

From the you to the tube

13 March 2011: Thought this was pretty cool... surfing the net on Harvey's big LCD screen... a bit of a geeky setup but what the hey.

I kissed a girl and I liked it

12 March 2011: Haha... okay not sure if I liked it but anyhoo... After our party hopping in Town we were on our way home on the party bus. And after too much tequila I found myself dancing on the pole on the bus. What a rush! And not too long after, these guys really wanted to see me kiss this chick (she's sitting there next to the pole in the pic but I blurred out her face) after the two of them kissed each other. So after the guys smooched away it was the girls' turn... interesting. I still don't know how I feel about it but hey, but you only live once and it was nice to lose control, just once.

Piggy's party bus!

12 March 2011: That's Mr Piggy welcoming us on the party bus! We started at Starlite Diner in Bellville and drove all the way to Town where we stopped at Caprice, then Jade, and lastly, Cassa Blanca. Really needed a night like this...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Be careful what you ask for

11 March 2011: I posted this on my Twitter and Facebook status: "In dire need of a Red Bull right now but afraid I might vibrate into space... haven't had caffeine in months!", and not too long after that, a colleague came over and dumped a Red Bull on my desk! Amazing :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I would name her Bella

10 March 2011: Have always wanted a black cat. It totally suits my personality.

The little things

09 March 2011: This is the view from my car where I park everyday. It's so nice to start the day looking at this, and leaving at night just reflecting on the day's activities. We are blessed with such beauty and it's sad how most of us miss the little things.

Fcuking douche!

08 March 2011: Yes, this idiot in his big Toyota piece of crap always parks on the corner, blocking everyone's view when coming out of my street. Have had reports of countless almost-accidents. And yet these people never listen. And by law you are not supposed to park close to a corner, especially when it obstructs traffic. So I logged a complaint at the traffic department, they will be serving justice real soon. Can't wait till these fcukers get out the way. And if there is an accident, they will be held responsible. At least I did my part for the community by logging the complaint! Let's see what happens.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh for fog's sakes!

08 March 2011: Doesn't the weatherman know coloured girls don't like fog? I secretly do because I like all things eerie, whether it minces my hair or not!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The bridge is always the hardest

07 March 2011: Writing the first song for my second album. Already have two verses and a chorus, but it's the bridge that's always the hardest. It's supposed to be the turning point of a song and has to sum it up in few words, and at the same time, tug at your emo strings. Hmmm... hoping the inspiration will hit me soon. Oh yeah... I had to blur out my lyrics a bit - wouldn't want anyone to steal them now would we?

Sunday, March 6, 2011


06 March 2011: Went to the movies and saw "The Green Hornet"... what a movie! Certainly one of the best movies I've seen in a while. My favourite line from the movie... Seth to Cameron: "You have just displayed two things here. Balls." ...LOVE it! :) Oh... and to make sense of my piccies - took a pic of the Red Riding Hood poster 'cause it looks like a brothers grim buzz (love that kinda movie) and the snacks is what Harvey and I had for supper.


05 March 2011: That's me posing in one of the corsets I bought at Laila Boutique.

Lailah Boutique

05 March 2011: This is my new closet. Like?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Alternative Design

04 March 2011: You know those stores you sometimes pass by - it looks to raunchy and adult-like - so you sneak glances at it and know you're probably never gonna go in there because you're too worried about what others will think of you? Well, that's where I went, and my oh my, is this my favourite store in the whole world? From one-of-a-kind-corsets to gloves to accessories to leather to velvet to alluminium bikinis... I had a field day! And when I go back there next month I'm buying the whole store. It's decided.

Never seen before

04 March 2011: So what is this now? A truckload of condoms?!

Lighthouse on Loxton

03 March 2011: This is where I park when I go to my pole classes, where the sounds of bad karaoke bleeds through the glass windows... meh.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Seriously. Seriaas. Serial. Cereal.

02 March 2011: So guess who I found on the back of our Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereal box? My childhood bestie, Donna! *giggles*


02 March 2011: These are my fellow geek colleagues, looking like Eeltjie and Beeltjie in their matching "Zoo York" tees. What freaks me out is that they look so proud! You will never see two chicks doing that. Ever.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's on your fridge door?

01 March 2011: So my baby sis and I always get into fights about chores... and there always seems to be confusion around who is responsible for what and when. So I made up this little chore chart, stuck it on the fridge, and started using it last night. Let's see what happens tonight - it's her turn, hmmm...


29 February 2011: So February only has 28 days this year, means we didn't get to "officially" celebrate our montheversary on the 29th. So I'm doing this post in honour of that! Harvey and I went to Primi in Sea Point for supper. We chilled on the balcony and the weather was simply perfect.

No man, James Franco!

28 February 2011: Behold! James Franco in a pink dress at the Oscars. Let's just say, if I were gay, this would soften my erection.