Friday, July 29, 2011

Level 3, here I come!

28 July 2011: Okay so I went to pole dancing classes and Lynne showed me her awesome routine for the showcase, and I got this sudden inspiration to start working on my Level 2 graduation routine. So, this is me, working out moves, transitions etc... hopefully when it comes together it will look as spectacular as it does in my mind. Have already chosen a track - Within Temptation's "Restless" off their 2003 album Mother Earth. Beautiful :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The rubber-band effect

27 July 2011: I'm always telling people about the famous "rubber-band" effect. There's a nice article about it in the August issue of Cosmopolitan Mag SA. Girls, do me a favour and read it.


26 July 2011: This dude was watching me while I prepared my lunch in the kitchen at work.  Freaky.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Remember this?

25 July 2011: Used to cost about R7.99 back in the day and I remember not being able to afford it. I want a coke yoyo :(

Caramel popcorn

25 July 2011: Remember caramel popcorn? Delicious but oh so sweeeeeeet :D. Nom nom nom.

Finally started our scrapbook

24 July 2011: This is the gift Harvey got me for our first Valentine's day together and we finally started working on it. It's so relaxing. I'm quite excited to do some more of it. This will surely be something that will be treasured for the years to come :)

Shoe fetish

23 July 2011: Bought these killer heels from Aldo. Retail therapy goes a long way! Gonna wear these babies to the Loerie Awards this year.

Lord of the flies

23 July 2011: Guess what movie Harvey and I saw today? It's not the same as I remember it though... think I tainted my memory, ah well. Meh.

The great escape

22 July 2011: So we're at the hospital to see my grandpa (he had a heart attack the day before) and while we're waiting in the corridor my sister and I decided to lighten to mood by posing like the signage. Made everyone chuckle. My grandpa is okay  - still making jokes as always and he even chased us out after our visit because he knows there was a queue of people waiting to see him (they only allowed 2 people in at a time at ICU). I'm just happy his okay :)

Catalog queen

22 July 2011: That's my childhood bestie, Donna. I always see her randomly appear on catalogs, posters, email headers, at the back of cereal boxes *giggles* ...this one was at the hospital where my grandpa is staying.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nuts on the table

22 July 2011: My colleague brought us some roasted cashew nuts from Mozambique... so addictive!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lindt Hot Chocolate

21 July 2011: Got a coupon in my August Cosmo for a free Lindt Hot Chocolate from Vida e Caffe. Picked it up this morning and got myself a nice bran honey and nut muffin while I was at it... nom nom nom.

The Ginger

20 July 2011: Okay, this is funny.

Cosmo Baby

19 July 2011: Got the August issue of Cosmo and this one is mostly dedicated to bride-to-be's - there's a major wedding planning check list at the back which will surely come in handy one sweet day :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

67 minutes

18 July 2011: So it's Madiba's birthday today and we have been inspired to take 67 minutes of our time to do something for the community. I bought this charity cupcake from Cape Quarter Spar, ate it, and tonight I will work out for 67 minutes on the Orbitrek... I'm gonna sweat for all those children out there! And then when Harvey comes over, he will give me a 67 minute massage because I will most likely be sore. Kidding aside, I have vowed to take time out as often as I can to do something for someone else :)

Sexy pole dance workout

17 July 2011: That's me doing my sexy pole dancing workout... ooooo weeeeee! :D Okay, you can close your mouth now :P

On my way!

17 July 2011: So I am officially and finally the owner of my car :) My mom filed the final paperwork. On my way to being debt-free! Life's good. And I feel truly grateful and blessed.

The secret works

16 July 2011: Remember how I always used to say I'm gonna have a pole in my bedroom one day? Well... ;)

Wax on wax off... kung fu isn't dead

16 July 2011: After I got my pole, I had to rush to Grand West to meet up with Harvey, Marco & Kylie to see Kung Fu Panda... finally. It was severely cool. After that I went home to drop off my pole equipment and then went through to Harvey's house to spend the afternoon having fun with Kylie. Harvey washed and waxed my car (I also helped him with the waxing but don't tell him I said that)... look at my man there, isn't he HOT? *giggles*

The pole has arrived

16 July 2011: Drove to the Verticle Secrets studio on Saturday morning to fetch my long-awaited pole package. And funny enough... I had to walk outside carrying this heavy thing. So embarrassing! But nonetheless, very excited to finally get my hands on it! It's not as complicated as it looks...

It's a full moon tonight

15 July 2011: You know, this pic doesn't do the moon justice at all. You should have been there - it was fcuking EPIC! It looked like a golden ball of cheese hanging in the dark sky... absolutely amazing.

Friday, July 15, 2011


15 July 2011: Started watching ASP.NET C# videos... exciting times! This geek girl is gonna be unstoppable, baybeeeeeeee :D


14 July 2011: Went to pole fitness classes and saw they're selling original Fantasma shoes! Have got to get me a pair of those plain black ones (like the red ones I already have). I will soooo wear them everywhere underneath jeans! So sexy and makes you look tall. Oh, and they are more comfortable than they look. I think I was born to wear heels.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Got it all

14 July 2011: Never really thought of having sliced banana with All Bran Flakes and milk. Tried it this morning and O-M-G it's amazing! The crunchiness of the flakes with the soft banana pieces and the milk is absolutely heavenly. Think I'll try adding a dollop of honey to it next time. So.... really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning :)

The Vampire Diaries

13 July 2011: So Harvey's been begging me to start watching The Vampire Diaries... and I finally saw the first episode. Damon is HOT... think I'm going to enjoy this series ;)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Home gym

13 July 2011: Look how cute my little gym corner looks :) This better give me a cute little gym body!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Health buzz

12 July 2011: Still on a health buzz... and look at this amazing salad I conjured up (grilled chicken, brocolli, lettuce, tomato, cheese and cashews)... no salad dressing, hence the cheese. Soooo yummy!

Challenge accepted

11 July 2011: Harvey and I went to the garage to pump up my gym ball. We both had a sudden burst of inspiration to get in shape. I especially HAVE to do it because I have a big photoshoot coming up in August... and that particular shoot requires me to be in top shape! We even measured ourselves... so hopefully by the end of July we'll have achieve the results we wanted. It's all about making healthy lifestyle choices, and being conscious about our bodies. Challenge accepted :)

Indian chicken curry

11 July 2011: So I made a nice Indian chicken curry for supper last night... tasted sooo good BUT still not the taste I wanted to achieve. Got some practicing to do in that kitchen! The important thing is... everyone loved it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

California Girl

10 July 2011: Look at the awesome mini licence plate I got from Marco... awesome! Must be a sign that I will visit California one day ;)

Angry Birds

10 July 2011: That's me hugging an Angry Bird - one of the gifts Harvey's younger brother, Marco, brought back from his recent trip to the States. Wish it was mine, ah well. I had my moment. And that bird isn't even angry anymore... think I turned it's frown inside out!

Take a photo for my blog

9 July 2011: Okay, so I guess I had too much to drink, so I passed out in the bathroom... and it didn't help that this place had heated floors. Harvey had to carry me to the room to get some rest. Apart from the fact that I was so out of it, and throwing up and stuff, I felt really bad because it was the first time I met this group of Harvey's closest friends... they still love me though haha :P I requested that they take a photo of me in that state "for my blog". Classic!

Fredriko spotted in Paarl

9 July 2011: Harvey and I drove through to Paarl for a braai with some friends and guess who I spotted there? None other than Fredriko the Squirrel! Fredriko is the Mascot where I work :P

Number 2... 1... 5! 215!

8 July 2011: We all went to a karaoke evening in Claremont that evening and apart from some really bad singing, we had loads of fun! Harvey won a prize in the draw... hand lotion, LOL!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sleep deprivation

8 July 2011: Only had about 4 hours sleep last night so I ended up taking a mini nap under the table at work.

Girl Geeks of Cape Town

7 July 2011: Okay so Mish, Sue and myself attended the Girl Geek Dinner Cape Town event held at the V&A Hotel. It was basically a bunch of females in the technology industry all in one room, networking, listening to speeches, goodie bags and having great food... just wish there had been a 3 course dinner - it was really just salads and soup. Maybe they should name this event the Geek Girl Starter :P The 3 of us ended up going to Primi Piatti to eat something more substantial. Ah well.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's about Time!

6 July 2011: So I come home and there's this mystery package that my sister went to pick up at the PO... and I'll be damned I won a Michael Kors watch to the value of R1999! Amazing amazing amazing :D Wow, haven't won anything in a long time! *girly screams*

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


6 July 2011: Won't say no to a free flat white from Origin Coffee Roasting nom nom nom.

Mystery package

5 July 2011: It's been YEARS since I wrote an actual letter. Turns out I have a package waiting for me at the post office but because I work in Town there's no way I'd ever get the chance to go there and pick it up. So I wrote this letter of consent so my sister could pick it up on my behalf. Wonder what it could be?

Farewell old friend

5 July 2011: We've officially decided to bid farewell to old faithful... IE6. I'm emotional about it but at the same time, excited about the future that lies ahead. I sure am going to miss you, you bugger. Damn you IE6! *sniff sniff*

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ghetto cappo

4 July 2011: So Jesse forgot his cappo at home and if you look really closely you'll see JP trying to make one using a pencil and an elastic, which I call a Ghetto Cappo. We had an awesome songwriting session and the song for my first single (which Jesse wrote... I'll be adding more lyrics to it) is coming together nicely! Pretty catchy too.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Wall of fame

4 July 2011: We have this crazy wall of fame at our coffee station... and this one highlights that the Samsung Smart TV campaign is going live soon! Awesome :D ...Will post the link as soon as it's up and running.

Transformer geeks

3 July 2011: Look at these two boys embarrassing my sister and myself when we went to go see Transformers 3D: Dark Side Of The Moon with their Transformer tees and all. My sister and her boyfriend broke their 3D virginity and they quite enjoyed it. My sister was a bit bummed at the inconsistencies in the movie itself though... for instance, Carlie (Sam's hot girlfriend) would be wearing pumps in one scene and then suddenly she's wearing heels... and there was a part where they fell out of the building and slid down the glass windows... sure she'd have lost a shoe then? And her white jacket wasn't dirty at all after all that rolling around in the dirt! Technicalities *tsk tsk* ...otherwise I quite enjoyed it.


2 July 2011: That's the view out of my bedroom window... our yard is now infested with "Branacles"... a weed that makes you burn like hell when it comes into contact with your skin. Hence the name "bran-acles"... Bran for Brand (as in Burn) in Afrikaans. Higher grade I know :)

All that glitters is not gold

2 July 2011: See? I still scrub toilets!

Mad black woman

1 July 2011: Waited for like 15 minutes before Steers got my order ready... and while I was waiting, a woman sitting next to me (also waiting long for her order) started talking angrily to herself, in Xhosa! *giggles* P.S. The title of this post is inspired by the movie Diary Of A Mad Black Woman.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Human dog

1 July 2011: That's what my dog likes to do when she's shilling in the house. Trying to sit like a human being. Bless her heart, Roxy :)

Sheldon Cooper

30 June 2011: Spotted Big Bang Theory's "Sheldon Cooper" on a normal movie called "Jane Austin Book Club"... his still a geek but he seemed calmer and normal. Very weird.