Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Metrofail, delayed as usual

22 February 2011:
So I had some drama regarding my car. Took it for an assessment at Cape City Volkswagen - had issues with my wipers (they were slow, for some odd reason - Harvey thought it was hilarious, but I beg to differ) and I have this grinding noise under my car in the front (most-likely my brakes). Anyhoo they quoted me R8500 for everything! Jeepers! I decided to take my car to Wilko Motors in Brackenfell for a second opinion, and thank goodness I did, because the nice old man that runs the place assured me there was nothing wrong with my car, I just needed new brakes. His quote came to R1149. What a save! At that point I mentally zap signed Cape City Volkswagen and agreed I'm never taking my car down to those tossers again!

I'm pretty sure it was Karma biting me in the arse (for mentally zap signing people) - I had to get a lift to the station with Arlene to get to work. I got to work and when Wilko phoned me with the news that nothing was wrong with my car I was overjoyed and thought, hey - finally someone who doesn't wanna bullshit me!

Long story short - I forgot to give Wilko my locknut. So I had to take a half day leave and rush to the train station to make the 13:08 train to Brackenfell. I asked almost every person working at Metrofail to confirm whether the train was leaving at that time and NOBODY could help me! The staff at Metrofail is useless and incompetent. I went twice to the info desk - the first time a gentlemen there assured me it will be on time. 30 mins later, still no train, went to the info desk again! The lady there confirms that the train already left! Argh! I have been there almost 20 mins before 13:08, there was NO TRAIN!

So after cursing under my breath I ended up walking to the taxi rank (nasty) take 2 taxis down to Brackenfell, nearly got knocked over by a truck because the second taxi decided to drop me off on an island in the middle of the road. Had to walk all the way from my drop-off point to the workshop where I waited while they doctored up my car.

Now I'm broke. Thank goodness payday is on Friday! Wow, this turned out to be my longest post yet! Hmm, maybe I just needed to vent.

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