Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Paranormal Socktivity

19 April 2011: Okay so Harvey and I were going nuts playing this scary game with a sock puppet. It's actually a video clip, shot Paranormal Activity style. Once I post the video on YouTube or Facebook I will add the link here, mkay?

It takes 2 baby!

18 April 2011: So I did another purchase from Take2 and it finally arrived today! Got myself the long-awaited concept album of Within Temptation "The Unforgiving", also got the complete collection of Brothers Grimm tales, Edward Scissorhands... and also one of my favourite childhood movies, Heidi.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Camera shy

17 April 2011: This is my dog, Roxy. She is so beautiful and yet she hate being photographed. Look at how upset she is here! I caught her just as she woke up from a nap on my mom's couch *giggles*

Bellydancing in Mesopotamia

16 April 2011: Had a lovely supper at Mesopotamia in Long Street - Claudia's farewell. The food was amazing! And so were the bellydancers... even this gay dude looked haute. I could see Harvey outta the corner of my eye kinda looking awkward at this moment :P

Sunday, April 17, 2011

National Cleavage Day ( . Y . )

15 April 2011: Okay, so this pic is in honour of National Cleavage Day... why? Because it's for a good cause!


14 April 2011: It was Tree's farewell partay. We dubbed it "Treequila" because she loves Tequila and we had an amazing Mexican-themed gathering on the balcony at work. Tree has been with us for over 6 years - I've known her since the beginning and it was sad to see her go... it's actually very inspiring! Go free little birdie, fly! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


13 April 2011: On my way to financial freedom! Have closed 3 accounts so far :) Another 1 on the way and I'll add to this list of broken cards. Harvey says when you make you last payment you should say "Voetsek!"... and might I add it's pretty liberating!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tornado, UFO, or cloud?

12 April 2011: Yep, this is one crazy looking cloud!

Filling up

11 April 2011: So I decided to fill up at Caltex. This time it cost me R341. I remember when it used to be R289.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sweet dreams and love scopes

10 April 2011: Finally got my own dream dictionary! I have vivid dreams and it's great to wake up in the morning with this little resource by my side to help me make sense of it all. The other book is how your star sign interacts with other star signs... a great help in understanding why certain relationships are the way they are. Got this to help me milk my new Twitter account "@ScorpioTruths" ( which has gained 142 followers in the first week! Very impressive.

If I woke up as a donut

10 April 2011: "That's my biggest fear... if I woke up as a donut I'd probably eat myself." says Troy (the black dude), from the hit sitcom, Community. Hands down, the funniest sitcom I've seen in my lifetime by far! It starts out pretty lame but gets funnier the more you get to know the characters. Sit tight, you won't regret it :) 

Movie night

09 April 2011: Had a lazy Saturday and later Harvey came over, we had a late lunch and watched "Season of the Witch" with Nicolas Cage - a bit of a nail-biter. Harvey left early but game me some movies and I ended up watching "Little Fockers" (meh, predictable), "I Do I Did" (classic African-American movie), and "Walk All Over Me" (weird movie but the dominatrix outfits are so awesome!).

Coming out of the closet

09 April 2011: Think I need a bigger closet... it looks like it's literally vomiting clothes!

"I never..."

08 April 2011: Had plans to stay in bed and recover, but it turned into a crazy braai. My cousins, sister and our boyfriends... and later Matt (one of the most awesome gay guys I ever met) joined us. We had so much fun... played 30 seconds (girls against boys as per the norm and the GIRLS won as usual!) and then later played this drinking game called "I never...". The objective is to say something that you might have done but precede it with "I never..." and whoever is actually guilty of that crime had to take a sip of their drink. For example: "I never kissed someone of the same sex." *sip sip* or not! And so it goes! A lot of dirty secrets were revealed I actually cringe just thinking about it! Let's leave it at that. All I can say is, awesome evening, well done guys!

Morning drive

08 April 2011: While sitting in traffic I thought I'd snap some pics along the way. I thought the big "r" was cute. One day when I'm feeling rebellious I will prolly kidnap it. And please don't hold this against me!

Take a "Benylin" day

07 April 2011: Okay so I woke up feeling crap... mostly in my head. Went to the doc and turns out it's just a head cold and some middle-ear infection. All I needed was a day in bed... and that's exactly what I did. Just what the doctor ordered.

Feeling sickies

06 April 2011: Started feeling sickies today so I walked to the Pharmacy at CQ SPAR and got me some Corenza C. Let's hope it doesn't get any worse!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


05 April 2011: So yesterday I saw my opthalmologist - to investigate this watermark in my eye. Anyhoo turns out it's just a floater, no biggy - will disappear eventually - but the fact is my vision is 20-20. He had to put in these eyedrops that enlarges my pupil and this is what I've been walking around with for most of the day - vision blurry and unable to really focus. Anyhoo, my colleague kept calling me a "Snoek-Eye"... And eventually, after hearing this word several times, I got so pissed I actually dissed him - I said the F-word somewhere in there. Shame man... he then apologised and I forgave him. So what have we learnt here today people? NEVER, I mean NEVER, piss of a Scorpi woman. Comprendez?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What an ass!

04 April 2011: So a colleague of mine puts this on my desk. How rude!

Mazda Breakfast Run

03 April 2011: Up bright and early and this time we met at McDonald's in Goodwood. Turn-out wasn't that great but we ended up driving to Strand and then cruising around (excuse the pun) the market area. Was good fun spending QT with my beloved :)

Brownsuga, baby!

02 April 2011: That's me and Wes, opening for Brownsuga at their single launch "Keep It Funky" in Stellenbosch. Wayne McKay (the MC, and also radio personality) says if he closes his eyes I sound like a "white" girl! Klint Lotz, the lead singer of Brownsuga, is an absolute diva! Hope he can teach me a thing or two.


02 April 2011: Went to Lailah Boutique and got myself a pair of Demonia boots - they're killer! I also got myself a tutu and a corset with a choker.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Red Sock Friday

01 April 2011: Hmmm... apparantly it's Red Sock Friday today (Ryan O Connor from 945kfm said so) but I have a feeling it may be a prank. So I brought my red socks anyway and this is me being all cheesey... these socks are cool though. They have souls. I mean soles.

This is kak

01 April 2011: What dog has the audacity to take a shit in our front yard? Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?!

Getting my Joomla on!

31 March 2011: So I finally registered and this time we're using Joomla! Thanks to Harvey and his awesome skills, updating my site is going to be so much easier. In future, will point to the site at Onwards and upwards!

Black heart

30 March 2011: Have always been drawn to Obsidian crystals... turns out it's my Zodiac birthstone! How mad is that?
Obsidian is formed as lava from volcanic eruptions cools within the earth. It is the stone of the soft hearted and helps block negativity.