Monday, April 11, 2011

"I never..."

08 April 2011: Had plans to stay in bed and recover, but it turned into a crazy braai. My cousins, sister and our boyfriends... and later Matt (one of the most awesome gay guys I ever met) joined us. We had so much fun... played 30 seconds (girls against boys as per the norm and the GIRLS won as usual!) and then later played this drinking game called "I never...". The objective is to say something that you might have done but precede it with "I never..." and whoever is actually guilty of that crime had to take a sip of their drink. For example: "I never kissed someone of the same sex." *sip sip* or not! And so it goes! A lot of dirty secrets were revealed I actually cringe just thinking about it! Let's leave it at that. All I can say is, awesome evening, well done guys!

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