Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Touching gold! Literally.

29 June 2011: Seriously. I am holding somebody's Retirement Fund in my hand. That is pure gold probably worth about half a million there! *gasp*

Girl Geek Gasm

28 June 2011: You know you're a girl geek when you get excited for a harddrive. That's my new Samsung G2 640 gig... thanks Harvey for organizing it for me :D

Short notice mechanic

28 June 2011: So after work I took a chance to call the mechanic down the road here in Bo Kaap, and he offered to fix my light for R75! Barons or Cape City Volkswagen would have charged me at least R450... including labour for WHAT? SMH*
*Shaking My Head.

Slow... motion... *yawn*

27 June 2011: This particular pharmacy I go to for my monthly meds has GOT to be one of THE SLOWEST this side of the Equator. Fudge!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Women of the family

26 June 2011: All the ladies of my family are planning a trip, a weekend away, and we had a meeting about it at my aunt's house - with tea and cakes and everything. We had a good laugh... my family is so funny, and crazy, but I love'em to bits :D

Cosmo girls

25 June 2011: Spent lunch with my girls, Mish and Sue. We had lunch at Primi Piatti and it was really good catching up after so long! I was pretty tired that afternoon so I went home, took a long nap and woke up when it was dark... and since I had some me-time I decided to read my Cosmo. Good times :)

Verticle Secret

25 June 2011: Went down to Verticle Secrets' studios to checkout the pole I'm going to order on Monday. It's all happening :D

Dora the explorer

24 June 2011: Harvey designed Kylie's cute birthday cake. Isn't it to die for? Say... I noggal didn't get a slice? Harvey! Where's mine amigo?

Porn Star

24 June 2011: Okay so Miss Raylene the porn star is following me on Twitter. Not sure how I feel about that!

Punjabi Curry

24 June 2011: It's evident that it's payday today because everyone in the office ordered Manhattans. Decided to have this beautiful Punjabi curry... perfect food for this chilly weather!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hello Kitty Kitty

23 June 2011: Okay so it's Kylie's 3rd birthday today (Harvey's little girl) and I got her this cute pink Hello Kitty gown with pockets and hoody, so adorable. Also got her these awesome glitter books to learn more about Colours, ABCs, Words and 123s :) It's all so pink which is what I love about it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No, it's not Skullcandy

23 June 2011: Okay so I'm long overdue for new headphones and got these cute pink ones. It's the cheapo version of the more sorted Skullcandy ones... although I think these ones are just as awesome without the major price tag (so overrated). And I got gay-looking ones so my male colleagues don't zap them like they did my last ones! Remember dudes, if you are reading this, you will look very gay if you zap my pink headphones. Nothing wrong with looking gay (I love the gays - in fact I wish you were gay) but you know what I mean ;)


22 June 2011: Okay so I've been wondering why I cannot find my favourite lotion anywhere... and a salesperson at Clicks told me the Dove range lotions have been discontinued. What the fcuk? Not cool, I've been using this one since forever and not sure I wanna change to another brand. Are there any women out there feeling me? We need to make it known that we don't want this range to go. Dove, please hear our cries... bring it back. Come back... come back (doing an impersonation of Rose (aka Kate Winslet) in the tragic end scene of the movie Titanic) *boo hoo*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


21 June 2011: I like doing this... putting pieces of popcorn on my colleagues' heads and they don't suspect a thing!

Monday, June 20, 2011


20 June 2011: So Take2 is now Takealot... and I sure as hell took a lot this time. Bought 5 of my favourite chick flicks - Can't Buy Me Love, Crazy/Beautiful, Here On Earth, Romeo & Juliet and The Holiday. Got another one (not a chick flick, rather something off someone's wishlist :P) but can't mention it here because I know you're reading this Harvey!

Creative Director's breakfast

20 June 2011: Okay so I'm actually broke but I ended up spending R91 at Spar for Muesli, Yoghurt and Strawberries for my breakfast for the week... eek! :S

To all the super dad's out there!

19 June 2011: It's Father's Day and this day is especially dedicated to my Avocardo :) After a lovely lunch, we spent the day under the blankies watching Rango and napping. The gift above was from Kylie... too sweet for words :D And I got Harvey his very first Father's Day card. He seemed to really appreciate it and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (**,)

Mastermind... mentalist

18 June 2011: Harvey and I played Mastermind - it was Harvey's first time :) This was my favourite game back in high school... makes you think analytically and teaches you how to read people Patrick Jane-style. In this case for instance... I saw him have a strong reaction to the colour yellow... hence :D

Car Show

18 June 2011: These are some of the Mazdas at the VW Car Show at Club Atmospheer - looking pretty mean :) And especially digging the fact that Harvey's Astina has been lowered by 40mls, sorry I mean 40 mm :P... somebody please tell me where is my Avocardo?

Floris Auto Bodyworks

18 June 2011: Haha! This is pretty funny because I have a colleague named Floris who is into cars. This was taken in the industrial area in Landsdowne, we were on our way to the VW Car Show at Club Atmospheer Car Park.

Two favourite girls

17 June 2011: Spent the evening in the braai room at Harvey's house roasting marshmallows and watching Thor. And Harvey was especially happy because he had his two favourite girls by his side - his daughter Kylie and his girlfriend, Raylene... me :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Under Construction

17 June 2011: Doesn't this net look cool? It's hanging outside the window at work.

Red lips

16 June 2011: Okay, thought I could do the red lip thing but I'm not pale enough (according to Harvey). Boo.


16 June 2011: This is my cute dog Roxy. Roxy loves to greet you. This is Roxy saying hello by putting her paw on my knee. I love Roxy. Roxy is an amazing dog.

iPhone Bands

15 June 2011: Finally got to play with the bands app on iPhone... pretty darn awesome if you ask me!

Rain rain go away

15 June 2011: It rained like cats and dogs and flooded our back yard. That coupled with thunder and lightning... it was like Heaven was taking photographs and all the while I'm thinking "Rain, rain, go away... come again another day. All the world is waiting for the sun." :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Crossing the bridge, water under the bridge, burning bridges

13 June 2011: Decided to go out for a walk during lunch. Gonna miss this place...

The land of Thai

12 June 2011: That's me cooking my first Thai Green Chicken Curry. It was soooooo yummy! Thanks, Knorr :P

Droooool (Homer Simpson style)

12 June 2011: It's my cousin's baby's baptism and the family met up to celebrate. We had lots of delicious eats. And right now I'm craving that moist chocolate muffin from Limnos... *drool*

Crazy, but beautiful

12 June 2011: So guess what movies are on DSTV today - right after each other? Crazy/Beautiful and Can't Buy Me Love - two of my all-time favourites :)

Beemer Bitches

11 June 2011: So peer pressure got the better of me and I decided to go out on a girls' night with my sister, Arlene, and 2 cousins - Leigh-Anne & Charnéy. We drove in style in a black BMW - it was too cold to put the top down - but it was amazing to witness the types of attention we got - they were quite extreme. Either people LOVE you or HATE you. For example - one white dude next to us lifted up his top and pretended to sexily lick his right nipple. So gross but so completely funny! And then there are the haters - the ones who don't wanna give you site when you're driving in the road, bleh. Assumptions. Mother. Fuckups. But don't I look good in a black beemer? Gonna see if I can get someone to photoshop a bodyguard next to the car, pretending to open the door for me, and maybe some paparazzi in the background too... haha :P

Estate living

11 June 2011: Okay so I got bored while the game geeks were fighting with characters like Johnnie Cage, Jade, Nightwolf (so gay), Cyrax etc... bleh - I decided to drive down to Somerset Mall and do some shopping. I spent close to R1400 in under an hour but I kinda feel at ease because I paid cash. I don't do credit anymore. Anyhoo, on my way back I drove past Schonenberg Estate - this is where I'd like to live one day... here or perhaps Croydon Olive or Vinyard Estate. This area is pretty awesome... far from Cape Town though but so worth it.

Game Geeks

11 June 2011: So Harvey hosted a game day for his buds (I was the only girl tsk tsk). Look at them all wrapped up in Mortal Kombat... Johnnie Cage is hot by the way.

Pringle Excitement = Priceless

10 June 2011: Wish you could have seen the look on Harvey's face when he saw the Pringles :D That night we went on a spur-of-the-moment trip to the movies to see Pirates of the Carribean. Awesome movie with brilliant one-liners. Johnnie Depp is the shizz in the movie bizz. Love it!


09 June 2011: So I got matched up with a Bull Terrier Cross... hard-core I tell ya! Check out which dog you get matched up with - awesome site :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Technology versus Acoustica

09 June 2011: That's my colleague playing guitar on his Android phone. Seriously - if I had an app like this I could write so many awesome songs! I'm trying to get my future-brother-in-law to download iPhone Bands on his phone - apparantly it's the shizzness and if it is, then I am buying myself an iPhone STAT!

Pretty Painting

08 June 2011: So I have a printout of my sister's business' flyer in my hand. This photo doesn't do it justice. SMH*
*Shaking My Head

Apocolypse, yeah right

08 June 2011: My shampoo only expires in 2015 so there's no way the world is coming to an end in 2012.

Stupid monitor

07 June 2011: So I designed my sister's flyer for her business and this is the screen I had to work on.

Lazy man's workout

07 June 2011: Tried the slimline machine tonight... what a workout! Felt like I was doing sit-ups and lunges except I was just lying on my back. I could get used to this!


07 June 2011: So I decided to walk around the office taking photos... so classy hey? I love my work environment.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Droe wors

7 June 2011: Okay so a colleague of mine came in here this morning, giving us free dried sausage. Was gooooooood!

Coding away!

6 June 2011: That's me and Harvey working on my new website. Yep, now you have a sneak preview :D P.S. Joomla rocks.


6 June 2011: Got some shocking news on Monday morning via @945kfm - a friend of mine, Chad Saaiman, was shot in an attempted hijacking in Johannesburg (near Sandton) on his way home from church and is critical in hospital on a ventilator. Everyone is praying for a speedy recovery. This topic #PrayForChad was the trending topic on Monday - proof many lives are affected by this incident and should be a real eye-opener for us. I know it was for me.

Our kind of activity

5 June 2011: Had lovely braai for Sunday lunch and then we spent the whole afternoon and evening lying in bed watching movies.Our kind of activity

Candy flossy flossy

4 June 2011: Feeling like a kid again.