Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Noon gun at 8am?

30 November 2011: So was that the noon gun sounding about 5 times at 8am this morning? It sounded like someone was bombing the area... check that smoke up there! The poor birds were frightened. Not cool.

Smurf Car

30 November 2011: Just look at that big thing! I want one :D


29 October 2011: ...I've always wanted to take a photo of these 2 men in a tub. LOL!

Symbol, the artist formally known as PRINCE

29 November 2011: Technically it's our montheversary but we can't really celebrate... so we decided to make it a tradition anyway - to reflect and celebrate our love. Anyhoo, we went to Canal Walk to find items for our Christmas wishlists... we set a budget and then buy gifts adding up to that total for each other - that way we both get what we want! It's a win-win situation, and all Harvey's idea! We decided to have supper at Spur afterwards, and then while roaming around we found the store above... did they really think we wouldn't notice?


29 November 2011: This one is especially special... it's to celebrate our recent win of being Digital Agency of the Year for the 5th time in a row!

The House of Davids

28 November 2011: Really? A reality show? Thank goodness we're not really related else the whole camera crew would have rocked up at the Davids Family Reunion on Saturday :S

Another 42 inches of pixel perfection!

28 November 2011: So my parents also got themselves a full HD LCD screen... wow, I'm feeling left out here.

Locked out and chillin' with my dogs

28 November 2011: My sister, Arlene, passed her hiphop teachers' exam yesterday so my mom invited me for a nice supper to celebrate... only thing is, nobody was home when I got there. So, I let the dogs out the yard and chilled on the patio in the sun with them... felt nice. I miss doing that and it's awesome because my dogs absolutely adore me <3

Harvey a finalist!

28 November 2011: Great news! Harvey is a finalist in the Gamebuddies November photo caption competition on Facebook. And the votes are rolling in :D

Monday, November 28, 2011

Who needs a pool bed...

27 November 2011: ...when you can use big-ass bubble wrap!

...it's 46 inches of pixel perfection!

27 November 2011: Loving Harvey's new 46" HD LCD TV :)

What's in the box?

27 November 2011: Hmmm...

Laka braai

26 November 2011: OMW have you ever seen a family braaing this much ever?

Davids Family Reunion

26 November 2011: Soooooo my family had a big reunion braai day... that's our family tree - friggin' HUGE I tell ya :) What an awesome day!

Little fashion show

25 November 2011: Went to the Bambi Daycare fashion show. Kylie was in the finals and she looked so cute! She was second princess and she was pretty chauffed with her princess crown and prezzies. Some of the kids that modelled in this show so funny... the tiny little boys acting all cool and the girls walking down the ramp Beyoncé style! Needless to say my cheeks and tummy hurt at the end of the show.

Spur lunch

25 November 2011: Went to Spur for lunch with all my work colleagues - to celebrate our recent winnings (^^,) nom nom nom!

Getting all festive already

24 November 2011: Started decorating out reception area with Christmas goodies :)

Crown Princess

24 November 2011: So my work won Digital Agency of the Year for the 5th time in a row! And I celebrated by wearing a princess crown... also because I didn't get to wear a crown on my crown birthday - 29 October - this year :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hmmm, another rainbow?

23 November 2011: I guess the Universe is trying to tell me something :)

This is so sad

23 November 2011: ...wonder if I should leave some nice things in my bin.

Steri stumpie smile

22 November 2011: Hehe, cute :)

Black Tuesday

22 November 2011: Jou ma se secrecy! The bill got signed off. Damn the government! Now they're never gonna tell us about the aliens they've been communicating with.

Chicken curry for dinner

21 November 2011: So I cooked up a nice chicken curry with Jasmine rice for Harvey and myself tomorrow evening - our usual movie night :) DELISH!

There's always a rainbow at the end of the sky

21 November 2011: ...or what was that now?

Water for Elephants

20 November 2011: Finally saw this movie and check it out... the elephant can do what I've been struggling to get right, LOL!

Roadblock meyhem

20 November 2011: Whoohooo! Got my first breathalizer test. For the record, they were making EVERYONE do it and just so you know, I don't drink.

Seconds Apart

19 November 2011: What a weird movie.

Strawberry fudge

18 November 2011: Only bought this because I like the packaging.

In the arms of the fireman

18 November 2011: Went for after work drinks at Fireman's Arms to celebrate out recent win at the prestigious Assegai Awards, and I am happy to day I got a GOLD on my name, baybeeeeee :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

King of popcorn

17 November 2011: My popcorn bag was too long, so I ended up fashioning this crown out of the extra bits. Creative, huh?


17 November 2011: It's that crazy cloud in the sky again. Wonder how it happened?

Fun workout

16 November 2011: Had some fun on my pole :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mini Freddie Kruger

16 November 2011: Woke up this morning with this strange mark on my arm. So weird.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


15 November 2011: Wearing my I love IE6 tee today. Harvey made this for me for my birthday last year :)

My dog loves me

14 November 2011: Roxy does this everytime I visit home. Ain't she precious?

The glove

14 November 2011: Finally got me a pair of gloves - now I don't have to ruin my delicate hands while washing the dishes or cleaning the house :)

Not a nice thing to see

14 November 2011: Drove past an accident scene - someone got knocked over. Not nice :(

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Look what my mom found!

13 November 2011: Did a shoot for Kuier magazine last year and my mom found it - it's great to be able to say  was in a 3-page clothing spread in a magazine. Something to cross off my Things to do before I'm 30 list. Apart from this, I was also in a Hang Ten advert in Cosmopolitan magazine, a Parmalat advert in Stage magazine and I also appeared in Glamour magazine in the Lucky Date Look article. Not too bad for someone who isn't a professional model! All my Web appearances are another story though... will tell you about that some other time ;)

First car! Finally :)

13 November 2011: My sister got her first car! A Ford Fiesta - a beautiful charcoal grey. And the pic above is a 3 level tape - the biggest factory-fitted tape I've ever seen in my life! Awesome :)

Nkosi CHICA-lelel'

13 November 2011: LOL! Yeah, my dogs miss me a lot. Look at that facey!

Skarky and- okay I don't know anyone named George

13 November 2011: ...but this tree sure looks like a skark if you tilt your head to the right.

Discovery run in Town

13 November 2011: So these buggers made a lot of noise while we were trying to meditate. But that's the beauty of meditation... to become in harmony with the surroundings no matter how disturbing it may be.