Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Birthday/ Anniversary breakfast

29 October 2011: So the day has finally arrived! It's my crown birthday and also my and Harvey's one year anniversary. Harvey cooked me this amazing breakfast and we sat out on the patio of our cabin, with amazing views and deer roaming around. Can a girl ask for anything more? Harvey also got me this awesome Book of Answers (sorry, I don't have a pic) - something I had on my 2010 Christmas wishlist - and the first question I asked was... "Should I bungy today?" and it answered "You should enjoy the process" or something like fitting - seen as I was pretty nervous about the jump! As you know I got Harvey the Lord of the Rings trilogy extended edition boxset and when he opened it he couldn't stop touching the embossed design! I think he even drooled a bit! Such a geek ;P That's one of the reasons I love him so much :)

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