Sunday, January 30, 2011

One mushroom plug, please

31 January 2011: So far so manic! First of all, woke up to no electricity - but that didn't stop me from having a blissful meditation session. Then I got a call from Harvey, saying he forgot his wallet in my car. And thank goodness for that! If he didn't come, I wouldn't have seen that I had a puncture in my back tyre. That's my baby at Hi-Q, getting one mushroom plug. Ironic, since I'm not allowed to have mushrooms.

All the way...

30 January 2011: We were watching movies when I suddenly had a craving, and I made Harvey drive all the way to the shop to get me a Solera, the best fruit lolly in the universe! Hmmm...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dirt, lies & audio

29 January 2011:
Wow! 4 remixes of our track "Frozen" on, released by Dirt, Lies & Audio Recordings! Our trance project, Climatic Fire, is certainly going places.


28 January 2011:
Nuff said.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Geek at heart

27 January 2011: A truly geeky setup in my girly room. All thanks to Harvey!

Songbird set to rock

26 January 2011: JP, Wes and myself in a meeting, planning the next phase of my music career. It's going to be EPIC! Really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. Watch this space oh music lovers!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Caught in the act

24 January 2011:
Look who I found chilling on my bed with my teddy bear Rufus! None other than little Chica who barely comes in my room! Think this meditation is working because my dogs are following me like the plague. They can sense my positive energy too.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

YOU make the clothes look good!

23 January 2011:
So Harvey reckons to me that I make the clothes look good. Take this outfit for example. It bites (okay so it doesn't completely suck but that's beside the point). And he says to me imagine all the clothes walking around Canal Walk and when they see me in the window they go "I want that!". Nice one, Harvey! Ten points for you :P

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ocean avenue

22 January 2011:
That's the view I wanna see every morning when I wake up in my own bed. I'm at AOL, Day Two. This view is proof of how lucky we are, all that we have been given to enjoy. And it's always there for us, at no cost.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Illegally parked cars will be fine

21 January 2011: So I'm on my way to the AOL course in Camps Bay and on Kloof Road the traffic backs up and I see this sign "ILLEGALLY PARKED CARS WILL BE FINE". Bwaaahahahahahahaaaaa! #Fail. 

Yo boyfriend, it's yo birthday!

21 January 2011: It's Harvey's birthday today! The day started amazing (had our birthday suits on) and somewhere between that and late afternoon we found ourselves chilling at Beauna Vista in Tyger Waterfront, sipping on cocktails... that's the view from our table. Ah lazy summer days. Bliss! P.S. I got him Georgio Armani Code cologne... 'cause we both code for a living.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dungeons, dragons and Carne

20 January 2011:
This is where they make vampires.

Blond moment

20 January 2011: Couldn't undertstand what was wrong my fork - it took me about 5 seconds to realize that I was holding it upside-down! #TrueStory

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Crazy discovery!

19 January 2011: So I designed a potential look and feel for the CPUT website a few years ago... and when I randomly logged on today I noticed parts of it has been implemented. Wow! I'm shocked. In a good way, of course... actually for one, I am speechless :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Caffeine overdose, anyone?

18 January 2011: Hmmm, what to do when you get two free Red Bulls? Have deliberately decided to post this because I'm doing the AOL course this weekend, and one of the foods you're NOT supposed to consume includes caffeine. Wonder if I should have this or give them away...? Would that qualify as my "random act of kindness" for the week?

Monday, January 17, 2011

One day at a time

17 January 2011: Thanks to my new 2011 daily planner, my life feels so much more organized! Definitely something I need right now. Organized thoughts = Happy me (^^,)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New York New York!

16 January 2011:
At the airport seeing off my family from the states. Gonna miss them!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


15 January 2011:
That's my cousin from New Jersey's ipod. Check the names in the playlist!

Friday, January 14, 2011

School cuts!

14 January 2011:
At the Baxter Theatre to see Joe Barber 5, School Cuts! It's also the first time my and Harvey's parents will meet. This should be fun :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

From the North Pole

13 January 2011:
So I buzz the reception at the Body Mind Studios and a half naked Russian girl opens the door, and hands me the Advanced Instructional DVD Harvey got me as part of my 2010 Christmas Wish List gift. Awesome! Now all I need is the pole but this is certainly one step closer. Starting classes again in February.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How many car guards does it take to "watch" a car?

12 January 2011:
So this morning as Harvey and I approached his car at the station after purchasing a ticket, the car guard that told us he'd "watch" the car was busy "washing" the car! We decided to get in and before we knew it, FOUR guys came along and helped. Needless to say, a priceless moment. I still giggle thinking about it.

Lucky number 7

11 January 2011: It's my 7 year Glooniversary today so I bought muffins for the team.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Suit up!

10 January 2011: First day at his new job wearing a full suit. He is so handsome... just wanna eat him up!

After the sunset

09 January 2011: This sunset represents letting go of the past, and looking forward to the many beautiful sunrises to come.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Flame-grilled goodness

08 January 2011:
That's my dad whipping up a flame-grilled steak. Ah, lazy Saturdays with the familia. Life's good :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

American dream

07 January 2011:
If you look really closely you'll see my cousin from New Jersey being introduced to SA minors. LOL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sad, sad, sad day

05 January 2011: Need to get through this day. Even though I don't like funerals I need to say goodbye :(

Monday, January 3, 2011

Torment (not)

04 January 2011: Reading Book Two of the Fallen series by Lauren Kate - "Torment". I read "Fallen" while I was on holiday in India in October last year... because I had the time. Now that I'm travelling by train, I have found the time again. This is good.

Life is like a slow train, crawling up a hill

03 January 2011: Took a train on my first day back this year. This is the lovely view from my seat (and no, that's not blood on the window - I hope). *happy thoughts* Meh.

Living in limbo

02 January 2011: Finally bought and downloaded LIMBO (Xbox game). Dark and delicious, just how I like it.

Our first one-on-one braai

01 January 2011: There wasn't much in the house and since it was a public (jeez I almost wrote "pubic") holiday, we managed to conjure up a Texan steak, rosemary roast (as well as braai-baked) potatoes and garlic ciabatta. No salad, I'm afraid! Looks great doesn't it?