Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I blame Cartman. His a bad influence.

28 August 2011: SARS could have at least taken me out to dinner because I like to be wined and dined before I get FCUKED.

Monday, August 29, 2011


28 August 2011: Harvey came over and we finally saw the movie Beastly. I absolutely love how it plays on the original classic fairy tale, Beauty & the Beast. A li'l predictable, however, I quite enjoyed it :)

The human centimetre

28 August 2011: Harvey and I measured ourselves a month and a half ago and then we went on an exercise routine... and yay me, I lost lots of centimetres! This gives me the motivation to do more... I wanna be ripped by the end of the year!

Pole dancing routine

28 August 2011: Spent Sunday morning working out my pole dancing graduation routine and I found my new favourite move... the "Extended Pretzel" :)

Mini Cooper S baybeeeee!

27 August 2011: Have always wanted a sexy blue Mini Cooper S cabriolet... found this one at a toy store in Zevenwacht Mall. Hmmm...

Me-time with a twist

27 August 2011: So Harvey and I woke up early on Saturday morning to spend some "me-time" together ~ he played games on his XBOX while I watched Modern Family on his laptop :)

All grown up!

26 August 2011: That's the Yorkie, Morris, all grown up! Don't you just wanna eat him up?! Nom nom nom.

Braai. Red Wine. Movies. And the love of my life <3

26 August 2011: Awesome evening with Harvey <3


26 August 2011: Need I say more?

Andiamo Buffet

25 August 2011: Felt like having a nice lunch so I went and got me some buffet at Andiamo - reminds me a lot of the buffet buzz that Boardmans used to have here in Main Road... it's gone now. I miss it :(

Captivating Clichés

24 August 2011: It's a well-known cliché to mess up the words of SA's national anthem when we get to that all-important moment... we really won't know what it's like until we're standing in front of millions of people how badly the nerves can get to us! So what if Ard Matthews fcuked up the national anthem last week, I don't think he was any worse than Ras Dumisane - who was completely out of tune and on top of this his vocals were bad! So it's okay, Ard. We forgive you :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HipHop Hooray!

23 August 2011: Very fitting title :) Seeing as Arlene is a HipHop teacher... We all went to Beauna Vista for drinks after that amazing dinner my mom cooked for us. Great evening :)

Yo girlfriend, it's yo birthday!

23 August 2011: It's my sister, Arlene's, 26th birthday today and my mom prepared this amazing spread of delicious home cooked food... nom nom nom. Arlene prayed, but her prayer somehow turned into a speech! So, somewhere in the middle, I ended up opening my eyes and watching her, LOL!


23 August 2011: Had the Discovery Roadshow presentation this morning and I am quite excited about getting my own medical aid!

South Park

22 August 2011: So Harvey insisted I watch this episode of South Park - about the New Jersey takeover - HILARIOUS! You can see the character on the left is supposed to be Tracey and the third one from the left is surely Olivia (those signature smokey eyes) from The Gatsby in Jerseylicious. I found the "snoekie" especially disturbing... it raped Cartman. But the little "Jinger, Jew, Jersey" boy (his name, I forget) came to his rescue and I found it fascinating how Cartman still pulled up his pants. Disturbing, yet funny indeed!


22 August 2011: How cute is this tiny little banana?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


21 August 2011: Watched Insidious ~ from the creators of Saw and Paranormal Activity... got to say I was quite disappointed :( The "scary" demon looked so corny - like some African-totem-pole-star-wars-widget thing. The start of the movie was great but then it just got predictable and cheesy. They shouldn't have shown us what it looked like in The Further... should have left that up to the imagination like they did in Poltergeist... ah well. Oh, and check out that title... a Photoshop filter nightmare! In this case I guess it works because the movie felt like it was supposed to have that old horror film feel to it, given the soundtrack.


21 August 2011: My mom put together this little ensemble of treats that evening. You know how much I love my cupcakes :)

Supergirl is getting old!

21 August 2011: It's my mom's birthday today and we decided to have lunch at Spur. This is the moment the waiters all gathered around to sing the Spur Birthday Song (something something supergirl is getting old) with a free ice-cream and the famous sparkles - only this time the song had a major African flavour to it... they even added "Ah-hai!" at the end. Very refreshing. And we had a great meal... just felt sorry for our waiter though - my dad terrorized him with stupid questions like "Are the snails slow or fast?" and "Is the steak dead?" and the poor waiter didn't really get it, so I felt a little bad. Ah well, he got a nice fat tip at the end so all's good in the 'hood! Overall, a nice afternoon.

Alan's Wake

20 August 2011: Finally started playing Alan Wake.... so scary!

The acorn doesn't fall too far

20 August 2011: hat's Kylie playing XBox... oh dear. What have we started?

Dessert at Sea Point Pavilion

20 August 2011: After our amazing spa treatments and gourmet lunch, we decided to take a drive down to Sea Point Pavilion for some ice-cream. I showed my mom and sis the secret shoe shop called SOS opposite Harvey's old work, and I ended up buying 2 pairs of boots for R300! Can you say bargain? Anyhoo, I love Sea Point... this place reminds me a lot of the beginning of my and Harvey's relationship *butterflies* :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The secret lunch hour

20 August 2011: So after our heavely spa treatments, my mom, sis and I ventured to the Westin Executive Club restaurant, also on the 19th floor (to top floor) and you can see the amazing view from our table :) We had delicious gourmet food from line fish to thai green curry to roast sirloin to nicoise salad I could go on and on! And hands down... the best orange juice I ever had in my life! It was a triple T (TTT) - perfect taste, texture and temperature :) I would definitely do this again and might make it a once a month thing... all for R500 per person!

Spa day with mom & sis at Arabella Spa, Westin Grand

20 August 2011: So it's my mom's birthday on 21 August and my sister's on the 23rd, and I decided to treat them, and myself, to some heavenly massages ar Arabella Spa at the Westin Grand. We absolutely LOVED being pampered and the atmosphere was so tranquil and dreamy. After the massages... which was super painful if you ask me, we went to another room to lie on the water beds - which is like a really big hot water bottle - I could do that forever you know. The treatments were followed by a gourmet lunch... which I will elaborate on in the next blog post :)

Biker plate

20 August 2011: Found this quite fascinating... a dude with a bike on his car that has brake lights and a number plate. Hmmm.

Where's your manners?

19 August 2011: You know, my dogs - Chica (Maltese) and Roxy (Pitbull) - are so cute but so naughty! Begging for food here. Buggers!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pole dance routine music

18 August 2011: Made a CD with some of my favourite tracks to dance to when I do my pole routines... started working on my moves already - have been studying the Miss Pole Dance SA 2010 dvd and found some awesome combinations. The final challenge is to put them together and also make sense of the song.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first boeka

17 August 2011: A friend of mine, of the Muslim faith, invited me over for Boeka/ Iftaar - that's when you break the fast. It was indeed an interesting learning experience for me. You start by eating a date with some water or apple juice (I had apple juice). Dates are really good - so sweet and somewhat chewey, and thereafter a spread of samoosas, pies, veggie soup, tuna oven bake, salad and for dessert - grava sponge cake nom nom nom. I especially enjoyed the Falooda - not really sure how to spell it but it's basically a mixture of milk, ice-cream, falooda pips and rosewater - some also add other spices and even nuts. It somehow reminded me on India... must be the rosewater. Overall, an enriching experience :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The mensroom

16 August 2011: So this is what the inside of a mensroom looks like in real life. Damn, there's really no privacy!

Honey, I...

16 August 2011: What does this remind you of? I decided to try out Nestlé Honey Cheerios and as I'm spooning the donut shaped crunchies into my mouth, I get a flash back to the famous childhood movie Honey, I shrunk the kids! Remember that scene where the dad discovered his son floating inside the donut hole of the cheerio? Well...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lonely lunch

15 August 2011: How sad does this look... eating lunch by myself?


14 August 2011: Harvey's friend, Wes, just got a new house with his girlfriend and they invited us for Sunday lunch/ braai. I love their house! It's so pretty, spacious and really makes me want to move out and get my own place. I actually feel it more than ever now... I almost long for it.

Get down (said in an Arnie Swartzinator accent) ~ that's what he said

13 August 2011: After the baby shower, I went to Harvey's house. He hosted a movie marathon/ braai day and him and his buddies were watching all four Terminator movies. Omiword, I laughed so hard! There were some silly scenes in there and it was just funny to hear all the comments the guys were making. This is also where I learned the "That's what he said/ she said" game. Basically, if someone says something that has a sexual connotation, someone would either say "That's what he said" or "That's what she said". For example, being oblivious as I was (not knowing the game at this point), I asked Harvey if that was his TV, followed by: "It looks so small"... then Harvey retorted "That's what she said!" and everyone burst out laughing. At that point I felt so clueless, but eventually, Harvey explained it to me and ever since then I've been seeing the sexual innuendo in almost everything anyone says. There's been phrases such as "Make it fit", "No I came first and then he came", "She had a little accident", "I don't like the taste of Grandpa" - you get the idea. I'm a little scared to introduce this game to the dev team where I work... it might turn into something nasty... and I've already been called "Lady Guy-Guy" because I'm one of the guys. LOL!

Baby shower

13 August 2011: Went to my friend's baby shower on Saturday afternoon. The decor was so pretty and I absolutely loved the colour scheme of hot pink, black, white and silver. I especially loved the pretty cupcakes. We had so much fun  - I hadn't laughed so much in a long time. I also learned a lot about babies... for instance, I didn't know you have to wash all the baby clothes with Sunlight soap before baby can wear anything! Kinda freaks me out that I know so little. Let's hope that one day the motherly instincts come naturally :)


12 August 2011: No, this photo is not shopped. My camera actually created this cool effect for night time party pics - pretty rad hey? Anyhoo, after the pole dance showcase - four of us (Lynne, her hubby, Harvey & myself) decided to go to the after party at Trinity - really awesome decor... very greek mythological-like. The only bummer is that they didn't have a pole there! We also got Chi Chi and her friends there and we had awesome fun dancing the night away!  

Annual Pole Dance Showcase

12 August 2011: Okay so I decided not to take any photos of the girls while they were dancing... even though I knew some of them, it just felt weird. So I took this one and you can just about see the setup. The show was AMAZING! Vertical Secrets (my studio) were AWESOME! My friend, Lynne, totally brought down the house! She has definitely inspired me to work hard at my own pole dancing skills. It was also amazing to finally see some of the dancers I've seen in my DVDs in person - such as the owner of Body Mind Studios in Joburg, and even one of the girls who took part in the Miss Pole Dance SA competition last year... there were even some big girls - they were so fit! Definitely inspiring to all women out there. I'm so happy the whole stigma attached to pole dancing that is striptease is finally starting to fade and become an accepted sport.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The mile high club

12 August 2011: So my baby sister broke her flying virginity this morning... that her and her boyfriend all packed up and ready to go away for the weekend. I'm so proud of her :)

LCD picture frame

11 August 2011: Picked up my photos from the Ronnie Belcher photoshoot and Harvey and I were viewing it on my 22 inch LCD screen - it makes for an awesome digital picture frame!

Annual pole dancing showcase

11 August 2011: Got my tickets to the Annual Pole Dancing Showcase in front of the shark tanks at the Two Oceans Aquarium! So excited :D ...By the way, Harvey is really lucky to have an awesome girlfriend like me to be able to see this show :P

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taking the "eish" out of "Taxation"

11 August 2011: So I submitted my tax return with SARS this morning and not long afterwards I get an email from the IRS in the United States saying that they were unable to process my tax return... WTF! Was it just a VERY BIZARRE co-inkie-dink that I got this potential SPAM mail or does someone from the IRS know how to hack my shit in the SARS E-filing website?! Very unsettling. Very unsettling indeed.

A cloud or an E.T?

11 August 2011: Okay so it was super misty on the way to work this morning and suddenly I see this flashing white light in the sky - lightning? Weird. Anyhoo, as I drive a bit further the sky clears up completely there's this straight cloud along the side... interesting phenomenon, or not. Could just be a coincidence, right? But, I don't believe in coincidences.