Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Supergirl is getting old!

21 August 2011: It's my mom's birthday today and we decided to have lunch at Spur. This is the moment the waiters all gathered around to sing the Spur Birthday Song (something something supergirl is getting old) with a free ice-cream and the famous sparkles - only this time the song had a major African flavour to it... they even added "Ah-hai!" at the end. Very refreshing. And we had a great meal... just felt sorry for our waiter though - my dad terrorized him with stupid questions like "Are the snails slow or fast?" and "Is the steak dead?" and the poor waiter didn't really get it, so I felt a little bad. Ah well, he got a nice fat tip at the end so all's good in the 'hood! Overall, a nice afternoon.

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