Monday, September 26, 2011

What a kak day

23 September 2011: First of all, got stuck in a major traffic jam. The N1 was completely closed off at Plattekloof AND Giel Basson! To make matters worse, I had cramps and needed the bathroom... and even worse, I could feel my period coming. When I finally got to work, I ran to Spar to buy pads but by the time I got to the toilet, my entire jeans was covered in red. I burst into tears. After mustering up the courage to go to walk back to work, feeling utterly uncomfortable and disgusting... I had to drink sugar water to calm myself down. They had to cancelled my training session with a client that morning and sent me home to bath and rest. Harvey was very worried and he came to my house to console me... don't I just have the best boyfriend in the world? I came back to work after lunchtime but felt very out of it. Why does being a female have to be so damn painful!

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