Friday, December 30, 2011

The rise of the planet of the apes

30 December 2011: What an EPIC movie!

Updating my blog

30 December 2011: Spent the last few hours updating my blog.

A crooked sousies

29 December 2011: This is too funny not to post!

Look! I'm an elf!

29 December 2011: Haha, inspired by the elves from Lord of the Rings - this is something Harvey finds absolutely cute! Ears sticking out of my hair.

The famous cream cheese and sweet chilli sauce

29 December 2011: This is one of my favourites - Philadelphia cream cheese with sweet chilli sauce on Cream Crackers... nom nom nom. We ate this while watching Lord of the Rings.

Lord of the Rings

29 December 2011: We decided to watch some Lord of the Rings today :)


28 December 2011: After that, I popped in at Tygervalley Centre to visit my sister, Arlene. She decided we go see a movie later that night... a double date. Anyhoo, long story short - they showed up late and we ended up missing the movie. Ah well - walking through the malls I find BACK TO SCHOOL advertising everywhere - really? Christmas is barely over and this is what happens? So depressing.

OMG, The Goonies!

28 December 2011: Went to visit my parents but nobody was home... lucky I had a key so I let myself in, spent some time with my cute dogs, turned on the telly and what did I find on channel 113 (Sony) - non other than The Goonies! One of my favourite movies as a child. I need to get my hands on this DVD.

See what I mean?

28 December 2011: Finally had some coffee in my new Hello Kitty mug :)

Thai curry and a movie

27 December 2011: Harvey invited me to go see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol at Grand West with his family and I had two hours to wash my hair and also prepare supper - Thai Green Chicken Curry. Doesn't it look amazing? I'm more amazed that I managed to pull it all off and still look good and taste good - the food, I mean :P


26 December 2011: Spent Boxing Day with friends in the mountains somewhere... can't remember the name haha. It was a pretty HOT day and I got myself a golden brown tan. Snooki, eat your heart out :P

Hello kitted out

25 December 2011: Decided to spend the night at Harvey's house seen as we're getting up very early the next morning to spend the day with friends in the mountains - don't you just love my pajamas?

Bananas in pajamas

25 December 2011: After that, Harvey and I headed out to my uncle Kevin's place to do the whole Secret Santa gig and have some dessert, wish the family and have some good ol' family fun. We chilled next to the pool, having drinks, eating snacks and having a good laugh at the stories my family were telling. As for my gift, I got some more Hello Kitty from my dad, hehe! It's a cute blue summer pajamas - something I really need! Will post a photo later ;) Anyhoo, speaking of pajamas, that's me in my "pajamas" - Harvey hates those pants because he thinks it looks like "pajamas" but I think it looks cute!

Today a child is born on earth

25 December 2011: So it's Christmas Day and this year I had lunch with Harvey's family seen as he had lunch with my family last year. Before I got to him though, I popped in at my parents' house to wish them and drop off their gifts - they're having lunch at my uncle Kevin's house. They loved their prezzies! And I loved mine! After that, I headed off the The Harveys for lunch. The food was AMAZING - this one day I wish I had a bigger stomach so I could eat everything... twice, LOL. Kylie also joined us and she loved her prezzies. Sometimes I wish I were a little girl again - to get spoilt rotten but who am I kidding? I am still spoilt!

Wishlist come true!

24 December 2011: So Harvey got me the uber-sexy Guess wallet I've been eyeing for the past month! Definitely the one item on my wishlist that I truly wanted :D I got him an Xbox silver controller - something his been NEEDING for a while. If I could afford it, I'd have gotten him some awesome sunglasses and a new watch - all in time though haha - all I know is, the wishlist idea is  genious ;)

Christmas Eve... the start of a new tradition

24 December 2011: So Harvey and I spent Christmas Eve alone. We decided to start our own tradition - make a lovely late night supper (in this case we had green salad with grilled Texan steak - I made the salad, and Harvery made the steak - teamwork!), put on some beautiful tunes (in this case, Foo Fighters' acoustic album - love it) and turn on my 30cm Christmas tree lights and then open presents at 12. It was amazing, and magical :) I look forward to doing this every year for the rest of my life.

The phantom of the opera is here... his in my mind!

24 December 2011: Wow! So Harvey showed up on my doorstep looking all handsome in the sexy shirt I bought him in India last year and I didn't suspect a thing at this point!  He got us tickets to see The Phantom of the Opera that very night :D I have been wanting to see this production since forever ago and Harvey made my dream come true! I am truly grateful, and lucky, to have such an amazing man in my life that actually LISTENS to what I want, say and need. And the show was SPECTACULAR - something I cannot even begin to describe - something you should go see for yourself! It was magical and one thing I absolutely LOVED was the set changes - it happens right before your eyes and the attention to detail - man I gotta hand it to Pieter Toerien - what a production, it's amost... dare I say, ORGASMIC. Now I have a tiny little resolution to learn the theme song and have it recorded - that way I finally live my lifelong dream of being an opera singer... we'll see what happens ;)

Instant smile :D

24 December 2011: Walked to Spar because I was craving a Solera... nom nom nom. My favourite! Just a hint - if you wanna make me instantly smile get me this little bugger here!

Room makeover

24 December 2011: Loving the new darker curtains in my room! Now I'm all set for Christmas (^^,)

A small favour

24 December 2011: So I ended up scrapbooking for 2 whole hours - a favour for Harvey that turned out to be quite therapeautic (not sure if that's  spelt right) haha!

Pizza for breakfast

24 December 2011: Yeah, I know, I know :P

Good ol' Primi, mocktails and good company

23 December 2011: After the movie, we decided to have supper at Primi Piatti (one of our favourite restaurants) and there we enjoyed some fancy mocktails. Get this - they call a cocktail "normal" if it has alcohol in it! Anyhoo, I had pizza and loads of FUN :D

Awesome way to start the holiday

23 December 2011: Met up with my girls, Mish & Sue, at Canal Walk to see the movie New Year's Eve. What a great movie - definitely more of a chick-flick though. I'm just happy to have enjoyed it with awesome company and it was really good seeing them both after so long. That should be one of my new year's resolutions - to make more time for my friends :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

R40 on my hips

23 December 2011: And only once on my lips... nobody can say no to CHIPPIEEEEEEEES :(


22 December 2011: Popped in at my Mom's house for a bit and she gave me some homemade basil pesto. When I got home I boiled some pasta, added some olive oil, black pepper, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes and presto! Pesto for ya :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Early Christmas prezzies

22 December 2011: Got some prezzies from 2 of my colleagues - busy indulging as we speak... nom nom nom :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All drugged up

21 December 2011: So I got a bit of a head cold and I decided to stock up on some meds. I feel much better now but still pretty crappy! It better go away before my holiday starts.

Same sex marriage

20 December 2011: So I'm watching the finale of Boston Legal Season 5 and Denny Crane proposes to Alan Shaw... and Alan says yes! They get married and this shot here is "their wedding night" hence the look of pure happiness on Denny's face :)

Tarantaal for Africa!

20 December 2011: It may not look like much in this pic, but trust me, there were like 30 tarantaal in the field opposite my house - LOVE IT!

Mean chicken salad

19 December 2011: That's what I had for supper.


19 December 2011: There's a thing my colleagues and I do at work whenever something silly happens, we chant "LLLLLLLLL!" in unison and it's freaking hiliarious! Anyhoo, this pic is in rememberance of that for 2011.

You're amazing. And I'm lucky :)

19 December 2011: Harvey stayed over and the next morning I went to the salon to have my hair cut - which is very emotional for me, by the way - it's the first time I cut my hair in 3 years! Anyhoo, he did so many sweet things for me while I was away. He made me an awesome brunch, fixed the light in my bedroom, got me a new stop for the basin in my bathroom, and even got me a new shower head (which we returned because it didn't fit) - ah well :) My boo is amazing, and I truly am a lucky gal.

Christmas spirit!

18 December 2011: Just me being a chop in Tygervalley mall.

Prefer the ones that don't swallow

18 December 2011: Harvey and I decided to go see Drive at the movies and I had to draw money at the ATM. But eversince my card got swallowed a couple of weeks ago I am very afraid of swallowing ATMs - I prefer the ones where you simply stick it in and pull it out.

Midnight snack

17 December 2011: 2am in the morning and there I was in the kitchen, making spaghetti. Hormones.

Day at the beach

17 December 2011: Spent the day at the beach with Harvey & Kylie :) The water was quite warm but the wind!

I'm with the band

16 December 2011: Hollywood baby! I loved every minute of sharing that stage with Jesse Jordan Band - AMAZING - somehow Jesse's voice miraculously returned and the audience loved every minute of the show! Their epic perc sessions are my favourite - the energy is electric. I also loved Hein's version of Fuel - he has an awesome voice! Oh, and guess who showed up at the gig - surprise surprise - Harvey and his brother, Marco, and his mom, as well as well as his friend, Gilly! I couldn't believe they actually showed up when I absolutely didn't expect it! This guy is definitely a keeper. He supported me at EVERY single one of my gigs since we started dating - and it's just so mindboggling to me that he left his gaming day to be here. Wow, I truly am a lucky girl. What a night.

Impromptu gig with JJB at The Hollywood Club

16 December 2011: Okay so today is a public holiday (thank goodness) but I slept till after 1pm, can you believe it! Anyhoo, I got woken up by the sound of my BBM - it was JP - drummer for Jesse Jordan Band and he was in a panic. Apparantly Jesse had laryngitis and they had a huge gig at The Hollywood Club that night and they urgently needed my help. Of course I was keen to help! It's an honour to perform on stage with one of the most epic bands in South Africa! :D So I headed off the the club to meet JP and Hein to go through the setlist and see which songs I could possibly help out with. I was stressed out - had to learn the lyrics of about 6 songs in 3 hours! But they decided to get a sheet music stand and have the lyrics printed out, so phew! After the meeting, I rushed home to get done and head back to the club and hung out with the band in our own secluded booth - so awesome "I'm with the band" - literally.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Fugard Fest of Comedy

15 December 2011: Thereafter we headed off to see a comedy show called The Fugard Fest of Comedy featuring Rob van Vuuren and Stewardt Taylor - needless to say, the show was HILARIOUS! Really makes a huge difference when you're surrounded by great company. And after the show it was back to the Sugar Hut Club for the after party. Then after the after party, a bunch of us decided to gate crash the Converse Street Party next door, thereafter we took a cab to Long Street and went club hopping to about 3-5 clubs, I can't remember. It was the early hours of the morning so nothing much was happening. But I had fun! I ended up in the McDonald's drive-thru at 4am in the morning but as soon as I got home, I took a shower and went to bed. An experience like this can only happen once in a blue moon. Thank goodness I don't really dig partying!

Gourmet shots

15 December 2011: We had lots of amazing gourmet pizza for dinner, shots of Jager and Tequila and just good old fun times.