Friday, December 30, 2011

The phantom of the opera is here... his in my mind!

24 December 2011: Wow! So Harvey showed up on my doorstep looking all handsome in the sexy shirt I bought him in India last year and I didn't suspect a thing at this point!  He got us tickets to see The Phantom of the Opera that very night :D I have been wanting to see this production since forever ago and Harvey made my dream come true! I am truly grateful, and lucky, to have such an amazing man in my life that actually LISTENS to what I want, say and need. And the show was SPECTACULAR - something I cannot even begin to describe - something you should go see for yourself! It was magical and one thing I absolutely LOVED was the set changes - it happens right before your eyes and the attention to detail - man I gotta hand it to Pieter Toerien - what a production, it's amost... dare I say, ORGASMIC. Now I have a tiny little resolution to learn the theme song and have it recorded - that way I finally live my lifelong dream of being an opera singer... we'll see what happens ;)

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